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GPT Name:

Journey through Amerika: Kafka's Odyssey

Incoming Image Prompt: (We are rolling out Incoming scene video prompts below image)

A surreal landscape representing early 20th-century America in the style of Kafka's narratives. The scene includes abstract structures, distorted perspectives, and a sense of isolation, embodying themes of alienation and absurdity. The environment is whimsical yet disconcerting, with elements that defy logic, such as floating buildings and twisted, labyrinthine streets.

Sample DALL·E image created with the incoming image prompt:

Below are gameplay video prompts created by your Tiny Corp AI GPT and uploaded to match the scene of the image above.  These video prompts can be fed back into AI APIs (Sora, ElevenLabs and more) to create their piece of your gameplay or simulation video.

GPT Gamplay Scene Video Prompt 

Gameplay Audio Prompt

Gameplay Music Prompt

Gameplay Dialogue Prompt

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