GPT Name:
So You Want to Be an Employee Experience Manager
Incoming Image Prompt: (We are rolling out Incoming scene video prompts below image)
A diagram showing the process of measuring Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) within the employee experience. The image should feature a feedback loop with three key steps: 1) Gathering employee responses to NPS question (likely through surveys); 2) Analyzing the results with categorized employees (promoters, passives, detractors); 3) Implementing actions for improvements based on feedback. The layout should visually demonstrate progression from data collection, employee engagement feedback, and improvement actions. Include elements like team discussions, online surveys, and leadership addressing concerns.
Sample DALL·E image created with the incoming image prompt:
Below are gameplay video prompts created by your Tiny Corp AI GPT and uploaded to match the scene of the image above. These video prompts can be fed back into AI APIs (Sora, ElevenLabs and more) to create their piece of your gameplay or simulation video.
GPT Gamplay Scene Video Prompt
A video showing the process of measuring Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) within the employee experience. The video starts with a scene of employees answering an NPS survey on their laptops, followed by an analysis of the results (showing a breakdown of promoters, passives, and detractors). The final scene should show leadership discussing the feedback and implementing new policies based on employee suggestions, improving the workplace.
Gameplay Audio Prompt
Gameplay Music Prompt
Gameplay Dialogue Prompt